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Prices Cheap Palladium Plating


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Electroplating Prices: Cheap Palladium Plating

Palladium has long been the metal of choice for electroplating purposes due to its ability to resist corrosion, provide a bright finish, and create a durable product. However, palladium is a precious metal and is therefore expensive; this makes for high electroplating costs when using palladium. There are now more viable alternatives to palladium plating that can produce similar results at a fraction of the cost.

What is Palladium Plating?

Palladium plating is one of the most popular forms of electroplating. It creates a protective coating that is resistant to corrosion and provides a bright finish. It is used in a variety of applications, including medical implants, automotive components, jewelry, and consumer electronics.

Benefits of Palladium Plating

Palladium plating offers several advantages over other forms of electroplating. It’s highly corrosion-resistant and provides an attractive finish. It’s also very durable, making it an ideal choice for long-term applications.

Drawbacks of Palladium Plating

The main drawback of palladium plating is its high cost. Palladium is a precious metal and is therefore much more expensive than other metals used for electroplating. This makes palladium plating an expensive proposition for many businesses.

Alternatives to Palladium Plating

Fortunately, there are now viable alternatives to palladium plating. One such alternative is copper boron nitride (CuBN). CuBN is a hard ceramic material that is extremely corrosion-resistant and provides an attractive finish. CuBN is also less expensive when compared to palladium, making it a viable alternative for many businesses.

The Advantages of CuBN Plating

CuBN plating offers several advantages over palladium plating. It is less expensive, yet still provides a durable and corrosion-resistant finish. CuBN is also easier to apply, making it a more efficient option for some businesses. Additionally, CuBN plating is much less toxic than traditional plating processes, making it safer for the environment.

The Disadvantages of CuBN Plating

CuBN plating does have some drawbacks. It is not as durable as palladium plating and will require more frequent maintenance. Also, CuBN plating is not available in all colors, so it may not be suitable for certain applications.


Palladium plating is a popular choice for electroplating purposes due to its corrosion-resistance and attractive finish. However, palladium is expensive, making it difficult for many businesses to afford. Fortunately, there are now viable alternatives to palladium plating such as copper boron nitride (CuBN). CuBN plating is less expensive and still provides a durable and corrosion-resistant finish. However, it is not as durable as palladium and is not available in all colors. It is important to consider the pros and cons of both palladium and CuBN plating when making a decision about which type of plating to use.

At Umicore, we specialize in providing sustainable palladium substitutes with significant price advantages. Check out our sustainable palladium substitute today!

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Prices cheap palladium plating
